Thursday, March 66-8:30 p.m.
UCF FAIRWINDS Alumni Center12676 Gemini Blvd. N., Orlando, FL 32816
Sponsor levels:Gold Sponsor: $2,500Black Sponsor: $7,500
Gold Sponsor includes:(Sponsorship available for Headshot Photographer, Bar Station or 360 Photo Booth)Partner logo on website.Partner logo and link included in one area event email.Partner verbal recognition on stage at area event of your choice.Two (2) tickets with entry into the event.
Black Sponsor includes:Partner logo and link placed on event website.Event emails with partner logo and link.One social media post with partner logo and tagged handle.Partner verbal recognition at event.Five (5) tickets with entry into the event.
Join us as we network with UCF alumni professionals in-person, on one evening, in multiple cities across the nation. With a diverse and powerful professional network of more than 384,000 alumni worldwide, we welcome you to share your experiences, connect with both young and seasoned alumni in your industry or region, and bolster the strength of your Knights network.
By attending this event, attendees consent to the use of their images and understand that photography and video recordings may take place. If a party does not consent to their image or video being captured and used, then attendee should avoid the area in which cameras are in use.