UCF Alumni Career Coach Webinar

Tuesday, March 8
Noon-1 p.m.

Shift Happens: Strategies for Exploring New Career Paths

If you are considering a career transition, this webinar is just for you! Join us as Career Coach, Alaina Rahaim '16, shares with us her tips and strategies on navigating your career journey and determining what career paths are best-fit for you to pursue. Alaina is an outgoing, empathic Career Coach and National Certified Counselor, with expertise in a variety of career planning and professional development topics. Whether you’re transitioning into a new career or choosing for the first time, this webinar will teach you career exploration strategies through self-reflection, online research, engaging in experiences, and networking.

This event has concluded. But you can catch the recording on our UCF Alumni Virtual Hub.

Alumni Career Coaches
UCF Alumni has career coaches and counselors that are a part of the UCF Alumni Career Coach Referral Program. They are an essential part of UCF Alumni Professional Engagement, offering special rates and career and professional development services for fellow Knights.
Visit our website to learn more!

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