2024 Shining Knights Alumni Awards Reception
Thursday, Oct. 24
6-9 p.m.
We invite you to join us to celebrate this year's 2024 Shining Knight honorees at a reception during UCF Homecoming week! The UCF Alumni family is excited to recognize 11 honorees this year.
Individual Tickets: $75 per person
Sponsored Table (10 Tickets): $1,750
A ticket includes a pre-reception with heavy hors d'oeuvres, cocktails and dinner. Black and gold cocktail attire recommended.
For a smooth registration process, please add ALL your guest names first, then click continue.
For questions or more information, please contact us at awards@ucfalumni.com.
By attending this event, attendees consent to the use of their images and understand that photography and video recordings may take place. If a party does not consent to their image or video being captured and used, then attendee should avoid the area in which cameras are in use.
A small portion of your registration fee is a donation to UCF Alumni. To decline the donation, please call 407.823.2586 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.