UCF Faculty and Staff Giving

Ways to Give and Areas to Support

You can make your faculty/staff gift in a variety of ways, including by convenient online payroll deduction or credit card. Cash and checks are also accepted. You may also specifically designate the area you wish your gift to benefit. 



The most popular method of giving is through payroll deduction. Use our online form to make
your payroll gift today. For additional assistance, email Carla Cordoba or call 407.882.1220.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Discover. To make your gift by credit card today, use our
secure online form or email Xuyang Xie or call 407.882.1220 to make your secure gift by phone. 
*Note: Do not include your credit card information in the email, simply state that you need assistance with
a credit card payment and give a contact number for a call back. 

Cash or Check

Should you wish to make your gift by cash or check, please email Carla Cordoba or call 407.882.1220. Please do not send cash through the mail. 

recurring gift

A recurring gift option through payroll deduction is available. To make a recurring gift use the online form and select "Recurring" under "Gift details" or email Carla Cordoba or call 407.882.1220.

During the course of one year: 

$2 per pay period adds up to a $50 donation
$5 per pay period adds up to a $125 donation
$10 per pay period adds up to a $200 donation
$20 per pay period adds up to a $500 donation
$60 per pay period adds up to a $1,500* donation (*Receives President’s Circle recognition)

Matching Gifts 

Matching gift programs can double your gift to UCF. To verify if your spouse’s or domestic partner's employer participates in one of these programs, use our convenient search engine or check with his or her human resources office.

Complete the paper or online pledge form (each employer has different requirements), and return it to us. You may include it along with your contribution and pledge form, or you may submit it within a month of your donation.


Each year university leadership from each college and division determines a few funds to feature as priorities for the year. See the recommended funds list.


Although some featured funds have been selected, you may designate your gift to any university program or fund. Check with your area volunteer for more information on additional funds or see below on how to search for a fund on the online form.


Can't find the fund you are looking for in the drop down? There are so many wonderful funds to choose from, we can't possibly feature them all. But no worries, you can search for the fund you are looking for. Here's how:

Once you've made it to the online form, you will see a search option. Simply type in the partial name of the fund or keywords of the fund you are searching for. For example, if you are looking for First Generation Scholarships, type in "First" to see a listing of funds with "First" in the name. Try various combinations of keywords to find the fund you are looking for. The keyword search is predictive, so you may need to type in additional keywords to find what you are looking for. Once you've typed in a keyword, if there are funds with that word in the name, a new drop down will appear below the search field. Click the drop down to reveal the list and search for the desired fund.

If you can't find the fund you are looking for, email Carla Cordoba or call 407.882.1220.



UCF faculty and staff volunteers are a group of volunteers from around campus who advocate on behalf of UCF Advancement in support of faculty and staff giving during UCF Day of Giving. The volunteers in your area can answer any questions you may have regarding giving. Not sure who the volunteers in your area are? Email carla.cordoba@ucf.edu to find out.