All UCF students merit our support in the pursuit of their educational goals. However, students who are the first in their families to attend college face obstacles that far exceed those of students whose parents or other close relatives are college graduates.
The first hurdle is often financial. First generation students are likely to come from families with substantially lower household income, to have unmet financial need and to attend college part-time, often because they work full- or part-time.
First generation students also face challenges in the classroom. Often these students are less academically prepared than their classmates, less likely to have taken advanced classes in high school and more likely to delay college entry.
Finally, first generation students face cultural and psychological barriers to success. Without a college-educated parent or other close relative to help guide them, many first-generation students find the college campus to be an alien world, where the rules, norms and expectations are unfamiliar or unknown.
And yet, when first-generation students succeed, as tens of thousands have done at UCF, their achievements can positively influence others in their families who can in turn serve as role models, creating a powerful ripple effect.
You can be part of their success by making a gift to help fund first-generation student scholarships. Now, a special state initiative multiplies the power of your generosity. For every dollar you give, Florida will give two more through its First Generation Matching Grant Program, effectively tripling the positive impact you can create.
Give today by visiting